We call him "Ike" after Hurricane Ike (third most destructive storm in US history) that "roared over us" September 2008. MATAJE'S GHIRARDELLI is a very special show dog for us because he and his brother MATAJE'S MARIACHI "Chigger" (co-owned with Diane G) are the last two puppies from our CH. MATAJE'S LE BONTEMPS ROULETTE "Bella Chi". F L A S H ! ! "Ike" has been sold to a show home in Florida. Watch for this very special boy!!
Photo of "Ike" taken at eight months of age early April '09. Watch for "Ike" at the shows owner handled!!
"Ike's" sire is our CH. PSA Bark At The Moon "Barkley" (Westminister Bloodlines)!!
"Ike's" dam is our Multi Champion Producer CH. Mataje's Le Bontemps Roulette "Bella Chi" whose parents are Multi Champion Producer CH. Mataje's Maxibillion "Max" and Multi Champion Producer Mataje's Special Affects.